Sunday, July 25, 2010

MSSGM 2010 Success!

I had intended on blogging daily, keeping everyone up-to-date with the happenings at music school this past week. However, that didn't happen and I'm sorry :(

So, here's a synposis of the entire week, including photos... Enjoy!
On Sunday, July 18, the faculty of the Mountain State School of Gospel Music sang at the Dunbar Mountain Mission Church - the location of the music school. We were able to meet several new folks, see some familiar faces, and register folks for the music school. Several people from the church had previously registered for the music school, and a good number registered after we sang.
Earlier in the year, as we were planning for the music school, we set a goal to have 75 students registered for the music school. The goal seemed attainable. We had 57 registered in 2009. On Monday, July 19, we had 55 students registered to attend the music school. We were 20 away from our goal. By the end of the week, we had 88 students enrolled in the music school.

Monday was an exciting day! We had 40 in the choir during the day, which is a HUGE number for a music school day crowd. We had no idea what to expect for the evening session, and were surprised when we had to set up folding chairs to accomodate our students in the choir loft. Even with the chairs, there were several students standing during the group singing.

We implemented a few new things this year, all of them seemed to work out quite well. The first thing we added was an Opening Assembly in which we shared a time of devotions, practiced singing shaped notes and made all necessary announcements prior to dismissing to class.
Brianna with Re

A few of our students took part in the OpeningAssembly by leading some of the devotions. Jim Young lead devotions on Tuesday evening, and on Wednesday Joe Carte - one of the men from the Union Mission - shared his testimony with the student body.

Below are some more pictures taken during the week...

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